Water Distribution System
The water distribution system consists of approximately 463 kilometers of pipe (water mains), 2,299 hydrants and 27,229 individual water services. Hydrants are colour-coded according to the Ontario Fire Code requirements to indicate the available flow rate at a 20 psi residual pressure.
Water Treatment Plant
The water treatment plant is located on the west shore of the Otonabee River at 1230 Water Street North, Peterborough, adjacent the Riverview Park and Zoo. The plant was initially built in 1922 and expanded in 1952, 1965 and 1995. Dual intakes draw water from the Otonabee River (surface water) into the low lift pumping area where the raw water is coarse screened and pumped into the plant for full treatment. The conventional treatment process includes coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorine disinfection.
Aluminum sulphate is used as the primary coagulant. Chlorine is used for primary and secondary disinfection. Other chemicals used are sodium silicate (pH control), and fluoride (dental benefits).
The current rated capacity of the plant is 104 ML/day. The Permit to Take Water currently authorizes water taking at 190.68 ML/d (132,743 L/m).
Tour of the WTP
If you wish to book a tour of the water treatment plant please email us
Want to tour the water treatment plant
Water Street Pumphouse
The Water Street Pumphouse is located on the Otonabee River at North end of the City adjacent to the Riverview Park and Zoo and the Water Treatment Plant, The pumphouse was built in 1902. Many citizen of Peterborough have most likely enjoyed the miniature train ride over the dam, during their visits to the Riverview Park and Zoo.
The goal of water management planning is to contribute to the environmental, social and economic well-being of the people of Ontario through the sustainable development of waterpower resources and to manage these resources in an ecologically sustainable way for the benefit of present and future generations.
The Water Street Pumphouse facility, and dam, consists of a pumphouse, hydraulic turbine driven water pumps, generators, seven stoplog bays and one log chute. The facility has five generators and water pumps all using the common forebay. Three generators have their own turbine pit, the other two using a common turbine pit. The facility is able to generate a maximum of 1.25 MW of electricity. The Water Management Plan was originally created in 2005, and last amended in 2018 The goal of the plan is to contribute included a requirement for the owner to prepare Implementation Reports every five years.
Long term master plan
The Peterborough Utilities Commission updated the utility master plan in 2019. View the master plan for additional details.
Source Water Protection
The source of raw (untreated) water for Peterborough's drinking water is the Otonabee River. The Otonabee River water is of good quality and can be described as a moderately coloured water of low turbidity. The river water temperature ranges from 0°C (winter) to approximately 27°C (summer). The raw river water is a surface water supply, which means that it is considered to be an unprotected source. Accordingly, we assume that raw water always requires full treatment at the Peterborough Water Treatment Plant to make it drinkable or potable.
The areas around the water plant are protected under the Trent Source Protection Plan that was approved by the Ministry of Conservation and Parks. For more information on the program visit Otonabee Conservation.