Water Conservation
Reduce Water use
Become conscious of the amount of water you're using and look for ways to use less.
Much of the water "consumed" in our daily activities is simply wasted. Taps are left running while we brush our teeth. Dishwashers and laundry machines are operated without full loads. Really, everywhere we use water there is room for improvement.
Here are just a few examples for both saving water indoors and outdoors;
- Don't use the toilet as a wastebasket or flush it unnecessarily.
- Take short showers-- five minutes or less should do. If you prefer baths, fill the tub only one-quarter full.
- Keep a refillable bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator rather than letting your tap run to get cold water when you want a drink. (Rinse the bottle every few days.)
- More than 50% of the water applied to lawns and gardens is lost due to evaporation or run-off because of overwatering. Find out how much water your lawn really needs. As a general rule, most lawns and gardens require little more than 2 to 3 centimetres (1 inch) of water per week.
- To reduce losses due to evaporation, water early in the morning (after the dew has dried).
- Watering during allowable hours under water restrictions helps the utility manage its load on the system and helps ensure adequate reservoir levels and water pressure for possible fire emergencies.
- When washing a car, fill a bucket with water and use a sponge. This can save about 300 litres of water.
Lawn Watering Restrictions
Each year we must ask you to observe lawn watering restrictions in order to ensure there is enough water for everyone. We are authorized to add a $50 surcharge to the water bill of residents who choose not to comply.
From June 1 to August 31
- Even-numbered addresses may water only on even-numbered days between 7 am and 10 pm.
- Odd-numbered addresses may water only on odd-numbered days between 7 am and 10 pm.
For more information, call our Water Department.