Water Rates
Water Utility Rates Schedule
Peterborough Water Utility Rates are effective January 1, 2025.
Metered Services
Monthly charges are based on the Basic Charge plus Consumption Charges at rates listed below;
Meter size | Rate per month |
15 mm (5/8") | $24.44 |
20 mm (3/4") | $24.44 |
25 mm (1") | $45.04 |
40 mm (1-1/2") | $77.21 |
50mm (2") | $109.38 |
75 mm (3") | $195.60 |
100 mm (4") |
$395.51 |
150 mm (6") | $686.36 |
200mm (8") | $977.15 |
250 mm (10") | $1,364.77 |
300 mm (12") | $1,937.96 |
Consumption | Rates per cubic meter |
0 - 20 m3 | $1.60 |
>20 - 100 m3 | $1.67 |
>100 - 5,000 m3 | $0.87 |
>5,000 m3 | $0.60 |
Sewer Surcharge | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A sewer surcharge, proportional to water charges, is billed and collected on behalf of the City of Peterborough, for the surcharge rate please contact the City of Peterborough Tax Department. |
Turn on - turn off service | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
There is no charge for this service during normal business hours, unless it is required on repeat bases; for instance, annually. Please give us 24 hours advance notice for this free service.
Snowbirds | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A $65.00 fee will apply for customers who wish to have their service disconnection during the winter months. A $65.00 fee will also apply for the reconnection of the service. During the months when the water service is off, the applicable Basic Charges will still apply. Once the service is reconnected, Consumption Charges will resume. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Seasonal water meters | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Seasonal water meters that service parks, cemeteries and sports fields that are removed in the Fall and re-installed in the spring will incur a $155.00 fee for both the installation and removal of the meter. During the months when the meter has been removed, no Basic or Consumption Charges will apply. Once the meter has been re-installed, Basic and Consumption Charges will resume. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Fire flow tests | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
During non-freezing periods - $335.00 per test During freezing periods - $335.00 minimum, plus time and materials |
Additional Meter Charges | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Repair or replace a water meter as a result of freezing, abuse, lack of care, where it is responsibility of the customer. Regular hours Actual cost plus $80.00 After hours Actual cost plus $126.00 Repeat occurrence Actual cost
Dispute meter charge where the customer disputes the accuracy of the water meter, and it is tested and found to be within the allowable limits for accuracy. Testing in house < 1” $240.00 1.5 - 2” $300.00 Testing by contractor < 1” Actual cost 1.5 - 2” Actual cost > 2” Actual cost
Remove and install meter at customer’s request up to 2” meter. Regular hours $80.00 After hours $126.00
Remove and install meter at customer’s request over 2” meter. All hours Actual cost
Relocate AMR sending module at customer's request. Regular hours Actual cost, $80.00 min. After hours Actual cost, $126.00 min. |
Cross Connection Fees | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flat Rate | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Flat rate water service is no longer available (residential or commercial). Customers have been converted to metered service wherever doing so is practical. Residences still on flat rate are billed a monthly flat rate calculated by adding the items listed below together:
Administration Fees | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Water Capital Charges
Effective January 1, 2025
Type | Cost |
Residential, Commercial and Institutional | $504 per meter |
Industrial | $504 per meter |
Re-development | $504 per meter |
Description | Cost |
Residential - Single Family | $3,715 each |
Multi-residential, Commercial, Industrial, Institutional by formula Minimum Frontage* |
(m) x $3,715($) ÷ 15.24 (m) |
* Minimum frontage as required by City of Peterborough Zoning By-Law |
Type of Service | Cost |
Residential - 20mm Restoration costs extra |
$3,380 each |
Residential - 25mm (low pressure areas) Restoration costs extra |
$3,380 each |
All other services - 25 mm or larger |
Actual Costs Minimum $3,380 each |
Subdivision inspection charges | $137 per lot |
Water Utility Development Charges
Effective June 24, 2024
Residential | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Previous Water Utility Rate Cards
Peterborough Utilities Commission Rate Schedule - Effective January, 2024
Peterborough Utilities Commission Rate Schedule - Effective January, 2023
Peterborough Utilities Commission Rate Schedule - Effective January, 2022
Peterborough Utilities Commission Rate Schedule - Effective January, 2021
Peterborough Utilities Commission Rate Schedule - Effective January, 2020