Second edition train ride puzzle fundraiser

The Miniature Train Ride Puzzle Returns! Back by popular demand, we are happy to offer the second edition of our train ride puzzle. As with the first edition, all funds raised go directly to the replacement of the train locomotive and passenger coaches. Help us reach our goal of $300,000, we're nearly there at $ 225,000!
You can purchase this special 308-piece, 11 x 17-inch puzzle of the current 1860 locomotive replica as a limited-edition 2022 gift for just $20. The train ride created another set of enduring and fond multi-generational memories for many Peterborough residents this past summer season. It was the first-time riding over the Otonabee River and back again in two years since closing during the pandemic.
Get your puzzle early while quantities last. They are available at our Gift Shop this Thanksgiving weekend (the Gift shop closes for the season after Monday) or at some very special local retailers. Thanks to our partners who are again offering the second limited-edition puzzle to their patrons, including Brant Basics, Griffin’s Greenhouse, Fork in the Road Country Market, House of Scales, and Ennismore Pharmacy.
The committee made sure that the puzzle had a special feature that would make the 2022 edition different from the first. “We felt that including the F86 Sabre Jet Plane, flown in the Korean War, would introduce a whole new point of interest for our community.” says Shauna Moodie, Riverview Park and Zoo’s Advisory Chair.
The Park and Zoo received the fighter jet monument in 1971, proudly honouring the selfless men and women from Peterborough who fought for Canada. You can find this jet on the way to the train on a 15-foot pedestal.
A favorite attraction, the miniature train ride was established in 1974 with the generous support of James Hamilton. The ride has provided regular income that sustains the operations and helps to make necessary capital improvements to exhibits and the park. The train is old and needs to be replaced.
Riverview Park and Zoo is Canada’s only free-admission accredited zoo. Since the foundation in 1933, the Park and Zoo has become a favorite family tourist destination. We now welcome nearly a quarter of a million annual visitors.
We need the help of the community to keep chugging along!
If you would like to donate to the Train Campaign, you can do so on our website:
Attention train enthusiasts: We now have only 6 bench dedications left on the new train available for sponsorship. Set in each seat compartment of the new train ride, these seat dedications are $2,500 each and perfect for the individual, family, business or organization to recognize your contribution to the Park and Zoo. You can dedicate it in honour of a special project or in memory of a loved one. “Get on Board” to have this limited opportunity to choose the location of your seat bench on a first come first serve basis.
We need your help to make our new train ride accessible. Please inquire about our wheelchair accessible bench dedications to support access for all on our new locomotive attraction.
For any inquiries in support of the Puzzle Fundraiser contact Paul Hartung, Advisory Committee Member 705-760-2855 or or Shauna Moodie, Advisory Chair 705-872-7159.
To Get on Board the Riverview Railway Capital Campaign as a sponsor of a passenger coach or to dedicate a seat bench on the train, please contact: Cathy Mitchell, Program Supervisor 705-748-9301 x 2304 or
For details about the park and zoo, our species and operation schedules please see our website: